Post vacation update

Good progress was made while I was away.

Framers have 90% of the basement framed and the remainder can be done after the duct runs are finished.  

Electricians snuck in a little early and did both top floors.  They will be back later on this week. 

Plumber has made further progress and can do his basement connections. He can start gas work once the ducts are done below. 

Sheet metal crew is complete upstairs and is placing the first furnace.   He should be totally done by the end of the week. 

the project engineer can be called to inspect the structure.  

Surveyor has taken height measurements of the roof so we can ensure compliance with the permit  

shingles and exterior work needs to be finalized with the contractor. 

appliances have been quoted and likely accepted.  

drywall needs to be quoted and agreed upon soon.  A few quotes are needed as the first was far over budget. 

This all adds up to a busy week for me to organize and ensure continuity as we move through the trades and into the inspection stage.  If every week was this productive I would go on vacation more often.  


Furnace is paced and ductwork moving along nicely  

Furnace is paced and ductwork moving along nicely  

The tin and abs pipe is being tucked away just as I like it to be done.  

The tin and abs pipe is being tucked away just as I like it to be done.  


The heating contractor is using some 4 and 6 inch ovalized duct when necessary.  This makes using every partition wall possible to hide the tin and have the returns within the same wall.