I recently heard the accusation that city led RCG rezoning to allow townhouse development is actually an attack on individual freedom. Initially I was confused, I assumed, wrongly, the deregulation, the loosening of restrictive rules on land use, is enhancement of personal freedom. RCG zoning increases property rights, offers new investment options, and enables market control of development rather than obsolete and dated rules enforced by a central authority. I am incorrect, based on this vocal cohort, ‘freedom’ means something different. Are we even speaking the same language? Am I now onside with a marxist fascist regime at city hall? Let’s explore below this topic further.
In our helpful spreadsheet, we examine the outcome of RCG zoning on individuals and communities. The definition of what freedom is appears based on perspective, and position. For those who dislike the townhouse model, allowing townhouses is a war on their property rights, community character, streets empty of cars, and enables the evil developer access to exploit their tranquil enclave. What this really distills to, is those who oppose the RCG zoning value their freedom to control others, rather than the freedom of others to control their own property. I dont think you can have ‘freedom’to control others, this interpretation means that the ‘others’ have no freedom. At some point all of us will be in either camp 1 - want to control others, or camp 2 - dont want others to control us. My default, I’d rather not be controlled by others, that exceeds my desire to control other property owners.