'appalling', infill redevelopment public feedback.

I suggested a brief peekaboo at the public hearing register of public submission in the previous post. This is for the land use change application for two lots, from Rc1 (single house only) to Rc2 (semi detached house allowed) in North Glenmore Park, a typical sw Calgary infill community. Please ensure your nose is plugged and anti—gag reflex engaged before clicking that mouse. For more background, see the Calgary Planning Commission comments made in advance of the council vote. The snippet of the opposition letter highlighted below declares the unwinding of the exclusionary Rc1 zone to allow two homes instead of one to be ‘appalling.’ Perhaps the personal views of this person are really what is appalling? If willing to submit to the permanent council record this ghastly feedback, one must wonder, how do they actually feel in private? What we can do is further deconstruct the ghoulishness of their case, point by foul point, to gain some insight into common public feedback typology.

  • ‘we chose the location of our home intentionally’ - are you implying most people choose their home by accident? What profound wisdom these people have demonstrated by choosing their home. What do they really mean by this? Their classicism and narcissism led them to choose an exclusively Rc1 zone, because intolerance and contempt for other people, cars, houses and so on is the defining characteristic of the geography of where they wish to live, and who they can tolerate living among, given the superiority of their personhood.

  • ‘our investment, our peace, safety of our children’ - here what they mean is their narcissism is so rampant and perspective too blinded by selfishness to negotiate, compromise, or the consider the needs of any household other then ‘ours’’. Any land use change is attack on their property value and even safety of their children. This point is demonstrable nonsense, a new semi detached home a couple blocks away, containing a family more than likely identical to their own (just modestly poorer) is somehow a war on their values and children is a degree of unfathomable gibberish.

  • ‘rezoning is not for the betterment of this part of the community’ - here is the virtue signal, yes, understanding there is some need for new housing and land use evolution in a community 70 years old, just not here, not by me, not ‘this part’. One must understand, this part is just for us, we cannot share with deplorables (the standard to elevate one’s self above that of a mere deplorable seems to be just ability to afford a pricey detached house).

    2023 is off to a great start given the appalling feedback we are seeing from inner city residents regarding infill growth. Check back later and we can review the public hearing record to gain insight on what happened, the Council vote is on Tuesday January 16th.

Maude Flanders would be proud of this member of the public, and issue her shrill cry of ‘think of the children’