City proposes a new ‘zone’ called ‘hgo’

The planning department is responding to criticism that it created a rowhouse zone that only works on corners by suggesting yet another new zone. Hgo will be ‘housing grade oriented’ which allows mid block parcels to be structured in two rows with a centre courtyard and permits suites. This is an advantageous development for allowing more affordable housing to be created. In my view this type of building is the only way to make market rate new building cost less. It also does away with some of the stricter parking requirements that were related to unit size caps. Basically it will be way easier to get new creative projects permitted with little risk of appeal by the usual gatekeepers. The nimbys are really going to take it on the chin if this is approved by council. Hgo will have some clear location specific criteria where permits will be impossible to appeal and the regulatory privilege given to single and semi development is to be leveled somewhat. All of this goes hand in hand with local area planning updates. This looks to be a major zoning bylaw update which is coming later than it should have, but still is on the cusp of being implemented. I think the impetus here is the council wants to run from the divisive wars the nimbys launch against site specific one off projects that were taking major time and resources to referee. If the hgo zone is created and Rcg mid block updates pass, a lot of the battles will be won before they start.