Peak nimbys looking to create nimby superpowers

The temperature, and tempers, of the arch nimbys is rising like the bubbling cauldron of negativity and small mindedness representative of this faction. The weapon they desire is creating the restrictive covenant on entire regions to block all development except what they deem acceptable (mansions ok, just not too tall). Ideal use of the covenant is to lock in legally their prejudice and exclusivity. I’m not a fan of this type of planning that persists from beyond the grave, as these covenants have been a huge hassle, many are so out dated they retain restrictions on raising fur bearing animals, others worse. Some of the land being camped out on with worn out housing stock in currently detached only hoods needs to be receptive to redevelopment otherwise the redevelopment industry will have nothing to do, except I guess build more identical semis in Killarney. The nimby is such a selfish and greedy entitlement it needs to be better called out in public at the highest level of city leadership, most on council aren’t able to do that, and worse, quite a few join among the nimbys as a showing of populism to gain support next election, and vote against city policy.