Not sure that ‘boggle’ is in the dictionary.
edit - it is. To astonish or overwhelm the mind when trying to imagine something.
Well consider me truly boggled. On occasion you see a property sell and you think that the seller was an absolute genius or the buyer needs sent to a Soviet style gulag for real estate re-education. A classic case is property that is heavily impacted by its location adjacent to a major negative, like a highway sound barrier wall. Most buyers would see something like that and pass on the opportunity. Some buyers would consider it at a huge discount. Apparently ‘A’ buyer felt it was a good deal and paid almost asking. If you asked me, and nobody does, or cares what I think, that property valuation should be vastly lower than what we see it transact for. The future potential for development is absent, and the price to earning ratio as a rental too out of whack to consider. What does that leave other than owner occupied? Have we now printed so much money that some buyers would prefer to throw money at any property just to get rid of cash?
Well and truly boggled I am.