In today’s example It appears our brief lived (to date) sellers market has become a little greedy and this is a strong signal (to me) that a pullback is likely near. Price expectation from the seller ramps up so much faster than what new construction buyers are willing to pay for. Input costs are way up like never seen before. Now is simply not the time to overpay for b- land in the inner city. realtors and sellers, sure they can price a property at whatever they want to, but this property was $150k less a year ago. Is the market so different? Are the fundamentals that much better? To answer my own question, no, and some of the fundamentals have really soured on the building end for key inputs. Doubt this one sells without major reductions but it is noteworthy nonetheless.
Attention Builders and Investors*** if you buy this property you should immediately seek professional help. Following this you will be better able to make sound business decisions.