Inglewood is my current favourite place to build. It is one of those strangely labelled communities along with Kensington. It is always referred to as ‘trendy’ in any sort of marketing material or publication. How can a community be perpetually chic, fresh and fashionable? Does that make the rest of the city dowdy and unfashionable (in the case of Calgary, I would agree that the vast majority of the city is uncool)? To me, Inglewood is a way to get out of the commodified r2 areas on the west side of the city. The areas where any good idea is immediately stolen and copied and mass produced in a race to be the cheapest. The older, historic parts east of the downtown have some appeal as they can never go out of date. A lot of the inner city has infill buildings that tend to depreciate like used cars. You can almost always identify what era an infill was built in. Inglewood is a place where you can build modern while adopting style from 100 years ago. Inglewood was building modern farmhouses before Chip and Joanna were born and took over HGTV with shiplap. It also has 100 year old brick warehouses and commercial buildings. That’s a style that needs to become trendy (and will be soon if I have my way with this city!).
My new baby. Needs to be torn down quick or I will get fined $100,000. I’d like to not pay that fine. I’ve got some ideas of what I’d like to do to this property that are unconventional. I will explore in detail what I should do with this land, there is only so much you can do with an r2 property and I am not enamoured with land use redesignations and all that goes along with that. What I know is I want to keep it not sell it - they dont make more like this.