Any wall mounted appliance involves some trickery to get it fitted properly. I have noted this over the years and always tried to be mindful of this when the time comes to installation. The trim kit must be aligned between cabinets and attempts to ensure it is flush with doors and coordinated with the oven below always seems to cause difficulty. This is typical of any kind of construction where a job is completed and the following job depends on the precision of the earlier step. Often no amount of builder coordination and information delivery to the contractors can eliminate install issues. We will see how this unfolds shortly at the Killarney project. One side is just about done now and the other is a solid three weeks or more behind. This will get us to interior completion, we will have a lot of seasonal type work remaining to catch up in April, if April cooperates, and sometimes that delayed spring can be quite painful for the builders landscaping and stucco finishing schedule.
Microwave and trim kit going in …