One of the benefits of being the builder is by default you are at the top of the construction hierarchy, there is no boss, thus nobody can really tell you want to do (except the City). With the freedom from being told what to do, the flip side is absence of feedback on what not to do either, which can pose a time allocation predicament, particularly for me.
Leveraging the skills, time and energy of others is by far the best means of getting stuff done (houses built in 6 months or less), and with bigger projects, more delegating needs to happen. What we find in Calgary is the cost of labour is very high, making tackling some jobs really irresistible vs paying others to do what you could do yourself. Avoiding payment can be more lucrative than delegating and using labour costs to lower a tax burden as well. Essentially doing something for free is often better than paying someone else a hefty sum to do it even when factoring the headaches, time, effort etc.
This brings up the subject of what I am doing, or going to do. No doubt I am more often erring on the side of doing stuff that perhaps I should not do, including many tasks that'd be better outsourced. Nonetheless I seem to be accumulating more tools and equipment regularly, particularly as tool renting is a cumbersome and wasteful approach.
The need to make some holes in concrete is a regular occurrence, and can cost a lot of money, especially if a bunch of holes are needed. Enter the rotary hammer and concrete bits from bosch, the solution to our concrete hole problem.
A rather large bit compared to my winter boot, it will be very useful to core holes for the gas pipe that runs among the rowhouse units. How long the bit lasts will determine its return on investment vs. hiring a coring crew.