The City of Calgary fee structure for building permits would be interesting to compare to other jurisdictions. It is not known to me if the fee is based on cost recovery, or if the City runs a deficit processing these permits.
To me, of course, the fee is too expensive. I think it should be outsourced. I don't think the City needs to police building permits, especially now that it requests an engineer oversight for almost everything. I don't think there is enough value to the customer to justify the fee. I do think that some oversight is warranted to review plans, but I don't think it needs the office space, administration, pensions and benefits that go along with City staff.
During the current election, it would be interesting if a candidate announced a platform to outsource this departmental function. I wonder at the likelihood of this policy ever catching on in an election where nobody can really suggest any cuts at City HQ.
So it looks like we paid a $7500 fee to process the BP and fund whatever inspection function is taken on by the City to review a semi-d build. What would it cost a contractor to service this permit, archive the records, conduct inspections, etc? Could an independent group of small businesses achieve the same permit inspection function at a lower cost to the builder?