With the movement lately toward increased fees and charges for everything, especially from the City, it is strange to comment on the project elements that are actually still free. These freebies surely are the last bastion of free stuff that is given to the builder, and the item most likely to be changed.
One of the most surprising free services is the disconnects. The City water department doesnt really charge to cut out the water meter and remove it (despite the $4250 deposit you must provide in advance). Enmax does not charge to physically remove the meter and the wire to the power lines, and atco does not charge to disconnect the gas service. Atco is renowned for its costly monthly fees. For example, if you look at a gas bill, the Atco charges are generally around 50$ per month for delivery and administration, despite the gas consumed being valued at only 10-15$.
Yet, Atco will dispatch a three person crew to your site, with a machine, cut up the alley and patch it all and remove the gas meter for free. Thanks Atco, you may be the last free service I will enjoy for remainder of duplex project.
Atco is finished digging up my gas line and cutting it off. Next they will have to repair the asphalt surface that was cut up. Atco doesn't come quick to do these jobs, but they do come cheap!