41st in Rosscarrock - a big year for redevelopment

Certain streets tend to get a bunch of re-development all at once.  This happened in a stretch of 17 ave in Montgomery a few years ago.  The development there has pretty much wrapped up because every lot available to be built on was sold and redone as a fourplex project.  I never got a final tally, but at least 30 townhouses were built there over 3 years including my project at 4715/4713 17 ave NW.  It was a major transformation of that run down and fairly decrepit street into what it is now.

41 st in Rosscarrock seems to be at a similar tipping point.  Right now there are six semi detached projects, either starting, almost done, or at the planning phase and likely to start this season.  That will be 12 total new homes on a three block run of 41st with 2017 sale or move in dates.

This volume of building would exceed the amount of construction work for the past 20 years, or maybe since the 1950's when many of the houses were built.  It could also bring in new vitality to the community, add to the local elementary school, and overall just increase the quality of the neighbourhood.  

Calgarians have a strong class based bias against renters (seems to be a remaining form of politically correct prejudice because it isn't race or gender based).  This has been widely reported in the media where petitions against any 'lower class' type of development is vitriolic and emotional, with lots of tears and 'property values' arguments masking the underlying dislike for lower economic class individuals moving in to an established area.  If the City attempts to bring in a little affordable housing, or a treatment centre for addictions recovery, you will see a massive swelling of NIMBY'ism, often on the front page of the paper.  In the case of 41 st, the houses that I am aware of that have been bulldozed were all renter occupied.  Due to the rough condition of these houses, the renters were not necessarily fine community members.  I am careful with my wording here, otherwise I may also fall into the Calgary prejudice against renters, but in this instance, you'd far more likely want to live next to the families that are buying my houses, and those nearby, vs the tenants that lived in the old shacks.  

Rosscarrock needed a huge amount of investment, and it is getting it all from the private sector right now.  The even better news is the passage of the Main Streets initiative, this will inject some public dollars and lots of rezoning efficiency into the mix.  Rosscarrock could just become the new 'it' community for SW inner city.  If this is the case, I should have built in 2019! And don't forget the new Calgary Cycle location at the old Fitz Flooring shop.  This is a huge year for Rosscarrock.

Dumpster on site, Orange sign, fencing, this shack has hours left to live.  Expect to see a machine here this week and this is another 41 st semi detached to be started in 2017.  

Dumpster on site, Orange sign, fencing, this shack has hours left to live.  Expect to see a machine here this week and this is another 41 st semi detached to be started in 2017.