I was just browsing the stats for viewers to my website over the past few months. The integer homes site is about a year old, but I did not really get started on posting frequently until late summer. Previously I was using the rebuildcalgary.blogspot.com address which was really convenient and easy to post on. One day I was bored of looking for land and not finding any, so I purchased my domain name and put up a few pages. Being a super stingy builder, there is zero budget for improving the site, and my skills at web design are crude at best. But what I can do is continue posting information of interest (at least I find it interesting) and lots of construction pics.
I am making some effort to avoid being too critical against the usual sources of builder angst, like slow moving bureaucracy topics, or the ever growing cost of doing business. I do wonder how anyone will be able to enter this industry in 20 years though, the way the fees and costs are creeping up. These are easy targets for lengthy ranting diatribes. My wife has heard most of these rants so I don't need to post them. Mostly I need to remain polite to please my wife, or at least avoid further antagonizing her. But, since I am in charge of this company, and this is my website, I can squeeze in the odd exposé on bad behaviour by participants in this industry (snake like realtor tactics, tax fraud issues, etc).
Here is a sample of recent web traffic. Looks like well over 1000 page views since Jan 1. Not bad for a website with zero advertising or SEO that focusses almost entirely on SW inner city infill building.