One of the unexpected costs a builder may encounter when working on a semi detached project is the fee to subdivide.
This is a fee structure largely controlled by the City, so it can charge whatever it deems appropriate. Thus far we were billed $1174 from the City to do whatever it must to to draw a line down the middle of a lot. we also got hit with a surface improvement to repair the old curb cut from the driveway. That was about $3650. So we are paying about $5k to the City plus our surveyor costs.
For the $1174 if you get the right person on the phone you can pay by credit card. This is the easy way. For the surface improvement, you must get a bank draft, then walk it over to the third floor cashier. This can be a half day wasting experience.
I have never understood why the City has so many payment requirements that occur at intervals over the life of the project. It can require many trips to City Hall, finding parking, lineups, etc, and even worse when you have to get a bank draft. What is wrong with a cheque? If it bounces, it isn't like the City won't get paid eventually because they control the subdivision. I've tweeted the mayor before about red tape for inner city builders. This would be an easy fix (take credit card or even better - online pay).
Curbs are expensive.