With the project gaining a little momentum by having multiple crews on site, I was pleased to see some more progress today with the electricians beginning work on the main floor and the mechanical work complete on one house.
By the time I made it to site the electricians had already put up all the housings for the 4 inch LED pot lights. Pot light layout can be tricky (placing lights in the centre of a door opening vs. centre of a hall, how many pots, how far from the wall, etc). We went with a common arrangement of four in each room, plus a few extra in the hallway spaces and beneath the stair landings.
Having 20 pot lights on a main floor makes adjusting and controlling where the light is very easy. The biggest challenge of the new owner is to remember what switch controls what set of lights. The rough in of the LED housing is quick because the housing is essentially a holder for the light that goes in later and acts as a template for a drywall cutout tool. The wire is left free floating in the housing, it will be all connected at a much later date when the house is nearly done.
These six pot lights will be on two different circuits. generally we try and get the pots to line up across multiple rooms. These pot arrangements look very different after drywall than they do at this framing stage. Against a continuous white surface of ceiling it tends to look poorly if the pots are staggered.