Olympic bid vote day - what to do?
With bid plebiscite day quickly approaching there seems to be a really unpredictable mood within the city. There are hard core elements both for and against the bid, and it seems like this issue has galvanized the large and growing curmudgeon contingent in this city like no other has before. The angry middle aged white male, the demographic most able to fund this type of non-core service, really detests the IOC, mayor, and, for lack of a better name, the ‘elites’ that drive and benefit tremendously from a taxpayer funded largesse such as an olympic games.
On the other hand, the use of the games to leverage other investments in infrastructure and to access pots of money the feds have but otherwise would not bestow on Calgary is really attractive. The games could help overcome the economic morass that we have suffered through since 2014, and there is a strong sentimental attachment to reliving hosting the games, the glory of ‘88 and other such nonsense.
The no side has a counter argument to every possible benefit the yes side put forth, and we move from point to counterpoint, while both sides release economic information or ‘weaponized disinformation’ depending on your point of view. The reality is the two pieces of most needed infrastructure, an airport train connection and a new sporting arena, remain unfunded. Is it worth pursuing a games when much needed infrastructure wont be catalyzed by the games?
Tough questions, and I don’t know for sure how to vote. Currently leaning yes just because I don’t want to vote against my home town. May have to hold my nose while casting the ballot, a familiar experience.