Improving the discourse during community meetings
Try not to be this person when dealing with an application in your community
The local media loves to show the angriest individual at community events where contentious applications are debated. Even worse would be to be caught on video, like the infamous crank 'people in these neighbourhoods drive a mercedes benz not the proposed SW BRT'. I doubt he's proud of his performance all these months later.
The most common complaint is lack of consultation (at a consultation event you often hear this), and impact on property values, plus the usual 'think of the children' nonsense. The complainers don't seem to realize the City does not have a commitment to protect each and every individual property value. The City is not a steward of value. If it attempted to do so it would further gridlock decision making in the city. New applicants have a right to seek value on their private property, and existing owners have to live with the outcome of change in the City, both good and bad.
Has anyone ever complained that their property value increased too much and attempt to protest or return some of that value? What makes a person feel like they can veto another person's project in the name of consultation? Is the threshold of consultation only reached if you can effectively veto activity on another persons' property? Calgarians appear more and more unsophisticated when dealing with these matters. It tends to bring out the worst in everyone. Perhaps this is another sign that people have too much of their wealth trapped in their homes, and homes are so overvalued by the market that any perceived impact to that value can provoke hysteria.