Stupid criminals
We had an encounter with stupid criminals yesterday. They decided to come to the job site and steal the power lines that run to my houses. They cut the lines near the power pole and for whatever reason left without taking the cables. I suspect these idiots were so dumb they didn't know the lines were aluminum. Aluminum has very low salvage value, so the morons just left after cutting the power and realizing their folly. It isn't good for me because the guys came to work this morning and didn't have power for the tools. I have to get the electrician to come back and repair the lines. This is going to cost me some money to deal with the vandalism. It would be nice to find a way to identify the stupid criminals and get some form of compensation. There is a new security system we can invest in for a future project that will collect video evidence. Seems like it could be worth the cost to prevent this kind of inconvenience.
This wasn't easy to cut. Unfortunately the thieves didn't get zapped.