Spring Melt Down Exposes Treasure
The first warm week we have had since the deep freeze always reveals some hidden treasures, generally the trash and scraps left by all the trades who'd rather toss a coffee cup on the ground than in the bin.
With much trash exposed, I was able to do a quick site clean this morning rather than wait until it gets really muddy and even more unpleasant. A full truck load was collected and driven around back and deposited into the bin.
Every project is the same when it comes to sloppy waste handing practices of the trades, with varying degrees of effort by some that at least try and clean up after themselves. And every project I vow to crack down on the worst offenders and somehow nothing really changes. Next project will be different...
Every time I clean up after the people I am paying to clean up after themselves, I do wonder about the unproductive use of my time. Shouldn't I do some more meaningful work than trash, like hiring crews, finding land to buy, etc? For whatever reason the trash just seems to be a more compelling task than high value work. With the site mostly clean, I can now return to other stuff on my agenda, like submitting comments back to my design team for my upcoming townhouse projects. Progress on this will be announced soon.
The truck is full of soggy waste products, ready to go in the bin. The new truck and backup camera are super useful when approaching the bin with a load of garbage.