Concrete Pour Technology - New Equipment
Our new supplier, Tanas Concrete, brought its latest and brand new piece of equipment to site. The machine finally resolves the eternal problem of ordering large amounts of concrete, that is how to get the volume ordered precisely right.
Ordering too little is a major headache, especially if a continuous pour is specified in a job like a basement. Ordering too much leaves a disposal problem, as nobody wants a giant dump of concrete left on their front yard.
The new Tanas truck mixes the sand/water/gravel components on site, this means they can shut the mixer off when the job is done and drive away with all the dry ingredients ready for use at the next job. The idea behind this truck seems to be that it can rove around the various pours and finish the last bit of pouring at each job. This means there will never need to be a half empty truck hauling back an unneeded wet load of wasted concrete back to the plant. Over time, having the exact right amount of material delivered to every job is quite likely a huge money saver. We have a cellphone video of the truck in action, however this website only allows still photos and youtube videos. Here are some shots of the truck in action